Sharing the love on Valentine's Day: High school
students picked up trash at Golden Gate Park in
San Francisco, California on Feb. 14. Over seventy
teens from the Portland area took the five
day roadtrip, doing service projects in four cities along
the way.

Tualatin High School senior Lauren Morris picked
up trash on her own at Golden Gate Park on Feb. 14.
This is Morris's second STLF service trip and she
plans to lead trips from her college next year.

Rex Putnam senior Jackson Keenan
did dishes at Hosea Youth in Eugene,
Oregon on Feb. 12. The homeless youth
drop-in center helps to feed and clothe
the thousands of youth living on the streets
in the Eugene area.
Sarah Wilson of Rex Putnam High
vaccuumed the clothing storage room
of Hosea Youth. The organization provides
all types of clothing that ranges from
helping the homeless stay warm in winter
to helping them look sharp for a job interview.
Two STLF members cleared out a small
underground walking path at Golden Gate
Park on Feb. 14 in San Francisco, California.
Along with community service projects, the group
handed out handmade Valentine cards to people
on the streets while touring the city.